Commercial Electrical Service in Arizona
To establish electricity for your business, you will be required to complete a service application. You may obtain an application by visiting our Customer Service office located at: 8780 S. Highway 95, Mohave Valley, AZ.
If you cannot come to our office, you may request an application to be sent to you via fax. Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at (928) 768-2200.
You may also access the customer information application via the link below. Please print the application, complete, and return via fax to (928) 768-2262 or by mail to P.O. Box 6870 Mohave Valley, AZ 86446.
Required Information
All pertinent information such as the business name, legal owner’s name, physical address of service, mailing address of accounts payable department, federal tax ID number, telephone number for service location and accounts payable department, contact person for accounts payable department, emergency contact phone number, and the date service needs to be connected is required on the application.
Deposit Required
A monetary deposit of $300 is required to establish service. A connect fee of $32 will appear on the first invoice generated after service is established. If a same-day connection is requested, the same-day connect fee of $75 is required before service establishment.
The monetary deposit will be refunded in the form of a check or applied as a credit against the usage on the account after one year of continuous service with no late payments or disconnection notices. Or you get the refund at the time of disconnection if the customer initiates disconnection before one year of service.